Aug 09 2021
Updated March 2022
The Government of Alberta announced the lifting of public health measures in three stages, with Step 2 being implemented this week on March 1, 2022. The following changes came into effect which pertain to the dance community:
- Youth screening activities for entertainment and sport activities removed.
- Capacity on all large venues and entertainment venues lifted.
- Indoor and outdoor social gathering limits lifted
- Provincial mask mandate lifted except on municipal and intra-provincial public transit for Albertans 13 and older, and at AHS-operated and contracted facilities, and all continuing care settings
Details on the current restrictions and following two steps are available on the Government of Alberta website.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at for assistance navigating these changes. We are able to provide guidance on communications to your stakeholders and can attempt to clarify any questions you have to the best of our abilities.
Update December 20, 2021
As of December 17, 2021 there have been changes to the restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indoor private social gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people 18 and older, no limits on those under 18. Outdoor private social gatherings limited to a maximum of 20 people, with 2 metre physical distancing at all times.
Details on the current restrictions are available on the Government of Alberta website.
Additionally, online training is available at no cost to employers and their employees to help them assess and manage challenging situations that may arise during their daily operations. The training includes information that workers need to keep themselves and customers safe while implementing COVID-19 safety requirements, such requesting proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID-19 test, physical distancing or masking.
Learn more and enroll in REP safety training.
Updated November 17, 2021
Restriction Exemption Program Update:
As of November 15, 2021 the only acceptable form of vaccination proof is the Alberta QR code. You will no longer be allowed to accept paper or photos of vaccination records for businesses and organizations. There is no change for the proof of negative covid-19 test, you can accept paper and photos for those records.
Note: You must verify the identity of the person AND their vaccine/negative test record EACH TIME they come into your business or organization. You cannot rely on a database to collect vaccination status. To be within the legal parameters of the Restriction Exemption Program, you have to check each time.
REP Implementation Grant Update:
The Restrictions Exemption Program Implementation Grant provides a one-time payment to organizations who choose to implement the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP). Organizations may use the $2,000 one-time payment as they see fit to help offset the costs of implementing REP.
Eligible organizations include corporations, non-profits, societies, partnerships, registered & unregistered sole proprietors (individuals) and more. You or your business must be based in Alberta, have less than 500 employees and are in-scope for and participate in the REP.
Once submitted, the program estimates 15 business days to process the application and issue the payment.
The application is available HERE
Tools & Tips:
- Use Google Chrome to complete the application (other browsers may cause delays)
- There are two streams to complete your application based on whether or not you applied for the Small&Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant (SMERG)
- If you have multiple locations, each location must have its own application
- Confirm your application status is ‘Submitted’ by checking the online application portal (if it remains in drafts it will not be considered after the in-take period ends)
- Applications cannot be edited after submission
- Approved applicants will receive funds by Electronic Fund Transfer directly into their bank account (ensure the banking information entered in the application is accurate to avoid payment delays)
- This grant payment is considered taxable income by the Canada Revenue Agency.
Further questions can be directed to: REPImplementation.Grant@gov.
Learn more on the the Government of Alberta Covid Resources page.
Update September 15, 2021
** This information is based on the Government of Alberta Website and best interpreted by our communications team. Any clarifications and updates will be sent when available.**
A state of public health emergency has been declared in Alberta on September 15, 2021. Beginning tomorrow new restriction will come into place which will undoubtedly affect our members and the dance community. To summarize the new restrictions being put in place over the next week:
If your business or organization follows this first (1) set of regulations, you are able to bypass the set of restrictions following. The exceptions call for a business or organization to check for a vaccination record or proof of negative COVID19 test within 72 hours. If this is enacted, you are able to operate as usual. If not, you must adhere to the restrictions detailed in section 2.
NOTE that the restrictions for youth (under 18) differ from adults (over 18). Youth fitness groups are not required to enact the exceptions guidelines in order to continue to run group classes, however other rules are in place, detailed in section 2 below.
1. Exception Guidelines:
Business Requirements
Businesses that implement the Restrictions Exemption Program would operate as usual, provided they are serving only people who have proof of immunization or who have a recent privately-paid negative test, as per the requirements in place.
This means they could immediately and without restriction serve any individual eligible for vaccination who:
This program would not apply to businesses or entities that need to be accessed for daily living.
Proof of Negative Test
- Has proof of double vaccination (note that for a transitional period between September 20th and October 25, 2021, proof of a single dose would be considered acceptable as long as the dose was given two weeks or more before the time of service);
- Has documentation of a medical exemption; or
- Has proof of a recent (within the previous 72 hours) negative COVID-19 test (either PCR or Rapid Test). The test may not be from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories.
- Those under 12 would not need to provide proof of immunization or a negative test to enter a participating business.
- Tests must be privately-paid COVID-19 PCR or rapid tests completed within 72 hours.
- Tests must not be from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories.
- To enter spaces participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program, people aged 12 and older can show proof of a negative test result.
Proof of Vaccination
- Sept. 20 to Oct. 25: proof of a single dose is considered acceptable as long as the dose was given more than 2 weeks before the time of service.
- After Oct. 25: proof of double vaccination is required.
- To enter spaces participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program, people ages 12 and older can provide proof of vaccination or documentation of a medical exemption.
2. Restrictions if above guidelines are not able to be enacted by your organization
Adult (over 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities (Sept 20)
- The following restrictions apply unless the facility or program implements the restrictions exemption program:
- Indoor group classes and activities are not permitted.
- Indoor competitions are paused except where vaccine exemptions have been granted.
- Indoor one-on-one training and solo activities are allowed with 3 metre physical distancing.
- Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.
Youth (under 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities (Sept 16)
- Indoor group classes, training, and competitions are permitted, but participants are required to:
- screen for symptoms
- maintain 2 metres distancing, except youth while engaged in physical activity
- wear a mask, except youth while engaged in physical activity
- Spectator attendance is restricted to 1/3 fire code capacity, attendees are limited to a single household or 2 close contact if living alone and must be masked and maintain 2 metres physical distancing.
- Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.
Day and overnight camps (Sept 16)
- Day camps required to maintain physical distancing between participants and masking indoors.
- Overnight camps must follow cohort models.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at for assistance regarding these new regulations. We are able to provide guidance on communications to your stakeholders and can attempt to clarify any questions you have to the best of our abilities.
COVID-19 Updates September 4, 2021
As of September 3, 2021 the City of Edmonton reenacted the mask mandate for all indoor spaces. Masks are to be worn in all public indoor spaces: public vehicles, such as the LRT, buses, and vehicles for hire, publicly accessible areas of businesses, retail shops and includes City recreation facilities and attractions, transit centres and LRT platforms. The mandate is temporary until December 31 or until cases drop below 100 per 100,000 for 10 straight days.
Following this news, the Government of Alberta also enacted a mask mandate province wide, effective September 4, 2021:
- Masks are mandatory in all indoor public spaces and workplaces.
- Employees must mask in all indoor work settings, except while alone in work stations.
- Schools are not required to implement masking, but school boards will continue to set COVID-19 management policies as they deem appropriate.
- Masks are not required while participating in a physical fitness activity, performance activity, or a worship service at a place of worship.
“fitness activity” means a physical activity that occurs at a gym, fitness studio, dance studio, rink, pool, arena or recreation centre and includes dance classes, rowing, spin, pole dancing, yoga, boxing, boot camp, Pilates and other activities of a similar nature; CMOH Order 40-2021
Certain exceptions do apply in both the City of Edmonton and Government of Alberta mandate, including physical activity as described above.
Masks are still recommended if social distancing is not an option in studios.
Learn more on the City of Edmonton Covid Updates page and the Government of Alberta Covid Resources page.
COVID-19 Updates August 10, 2021
The Government of Alberta has released the upcoming changes to COVID-19 protocols. As of the announcement (July 28, 2021) the new changes will come into place on August 16, 2021. On that date all remaining mask mandates will be lifted, however; businesses and municipalities are able to set mask mandates at their own discretion. At this time no new information has been released by municipalities. Additionally, isolation after positive COVID-19 tests will only be recommended, not mandatory, and testing is not required unless symptoms are severe. As announced earlier, no capacity or distancing limits will remain on any social gatherings.
Changes Announced for Calgary
Starting this past Monday, April 19, Grade 7 – 12 extracurricular youth sport, recreational and performance activities in Calgary must either take place outdoors or be paused for two weeks. Indoor activities in Calgary will be suspended for two weeks until Sunday, May 2nd when it will be revisited.
After May 2nd:
As of now, groups of up to 10 including the instructor, 3m distanced, masked will be permitted. 1:1 will also be acceptable. If the space is used for curriculum-based activities, the school rules apply.
This is subject to change.
You can find more information here.
Changes Announced for Edmonton
On April 22, Edmonton public and Catholic school boards moved Grades 7 – 12 online for two weeks.
Consistent in the approach in both Calgary and Fort McMurray when they shifted these students to online learning, all extra-curricular, youth sport, recreational and performance activities for these ages are now required to either take place outdoors or be paused in Edmonton.
This requirement will stay in place for the same two-week period to assist in slowing down transmission in this population.
You can find more information here.
What else you can do
Continue following existing public health measures to keep everyone safe:
- Stay 2 metres apart from others
- Wear a mask in public spaces, indoor workplaces and places of worship
- Practice good hygiene: wash your hands often and cover coughs and sneezes
- Monitor your symptoms every day
- If sick, stay home, get tested, and follow mandatory isolation requirements while waiting for results:
- if positive, isolate for 10 days or until symptoms are gone, whichever is longer
- if negative, stay home until you’re better
- Download and use the ABTraceTogether contact tracing app when out in public
Alberta Dance Relaunch 2020/21
Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant
The Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant offers financial assistance to Alberta organizations (businesses, cooperatives and non-profits) that were ordered to close or curtail operations, and that experienced a revenue reduction of at least 30%, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program offers the following:
- Up to $20,000 in funding for organizations established before February 29, 2020, including unregistered sole proprietors.
- Up to $15,000 in funding for new organizations which began operations between March 1 and October 31 2020, including unregistered sole proprietors.
Businesses, cooperatives and non-profits can use these funds as they see fit to help offset a portion of the impact of new public health measures or their relaunch costs, such as implementing measures to minimize the risk of virus transmission, which could include:
- physical barriers
- purchasing personal protective equipment and disinfecting supplies
- paying rent and employee wages
- replacing inventory and more
Get more information here.
Application intake will remain open until March 31, 2021.
Relaunch Documents
On or before September 25, 2020 the Alberta Government removed the document linked to below (from Sep. 11). Please revert to the earlier guidance document for dance until further notice.
On September 11, 2020 the Alberta Government released NEW guidelines specific for dance in the province of Alberta under the current COVID-19 pandemic. You must read and comply with this new document to be operating within the correct provincial guidelines.
The Government of Alberta has released the Stage 2 Relaunch Guidance Document for dance. It is important to familiarize yourself with the concept of “cohort” as defined by the government in relation to Social Distancing and relaunching the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are relaunching your dance practice as an organization or individual and require any assistance in understanding the best practices please connect with the resources/contacts in the above-linked document and with the Alberta Dance Alliance.
On Friday, July 31, ADA held a Zoom Meeting about relaunching dance in Alberta. You can watch that meeting here:
These are essential resources and ideas from the community for developing your relaunch of dance (when safe to do so):
- COVID-19 General Relaunch Guidelines (Gov. AB)
Sep. 11, 2020 Alberta Relaunch Guidelines for Dance Updated (Gov. AB)- Alberta Relaunch Guidance: Dance (Gov. AB)
- Pivot Online: a toolkit for artists and non-profit organizations (Gov. AB)
- Alberta Relaunch Guidance: Sport, Physical Activity, and Recreation (Gov. AB)
- Guidance for Cohorts (Gov. AB)
- Alberta Health Daily Checklist (Gov. AB)
- The New Experience Economy Study (Stone-Olafson for AB)
- Informal Survey for Dance Artists on Conditions for Reopening Studio Activities (Les Réservoirs/Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique & CADA/West)
- ActSafe COVID-19 Resources (ActSafe)
- DJD Dance Centre Relaunch Protocols and Policies (Decidedly Jazz Danceworks)
- Shumka Dancers Covid Protocols Video (Shumka)
- Atlantic Ballet COVID-19 Recovery plan (Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada)
- Relaunch Plans from Theatres in Alberta (Theatre Alberta)
- WorkSafe BC Relaunch Protocols (WorkSafe BC)
- Reopening Guidelines (Saskatchewan Dance)
- Arts and Culture Reopening Guidelines (Nova Scotia)
- Companies Are Rethinking Live Performance—and Coming Up With Many Creative Solutions
A word from the Alberta Dance Alliance
The arts offer peace, perspective, joy, and the humanity that we crave, especially during times of crisis. Despite the dutiful, if regrettable, closures and cancellations, dance has never been more visible online, with studios, companies, and individual artists and dancers from around the world sharing their work, their practice, and their classes; with others joining in to share their dance in many ways. Still many more, who may not be posting, are benefitting from seeing professional and amateur dance and bodies in motion, during this pandemic and the global isolation efforts. When anxiety creeps in and we are concerned about the fragility of our bodies and the health and well being of our loved ones, dance eases and comforts us all.
The Alberta Dance Alliance continues to meet daily with the various arts councils and foundations of Alberta, the Alberta Partners for Arts and Culture, the Canadian Dance Assembly, Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists, our members and the dance community at large in an effort to advocate for the needs of dance artists at this time of crisis and ensure that a voice for dance is present at all of these key meetings regarding relief funding, recovery, and supporting the health and safety of our community.
Dance members in need of help during the COVID-19 public health emergency in Alberta, we are here for you during this time. Obtaining an ADA membership is not a barrier at this time for access to our services. Do not hesitate to contact us, regardless of your ADA membership status.
Choose to stay at home. Choose to self-isolate, if you are showing symptoms or have traveled recently. Choose to practice a physical distance of 2 meters when you come into contact with others. Do not gather in groups.
The federal government is asking you to do your part and only go out of your home for essential services such as groceries and medical needs to protect your health and the health and safety of Canadians. The federal government is asking Canadian businesses of non-essential services and support to work from home if possible until further notice.
The ADA and other provincial service organizations are working with the Canadian Dance Assembly in monitoring the impacts of the dance community. We are reporting impacts for the dance community, speaking to the immediate financial needs of organizations and self-employed dance artists and the emotional issues that are arising. In addition, the ADA is working with the provincial supports – Alberta Partners for Arts and Culture to support Arts, Culture and Heritage.
Bobbi Westman – Executive Director
Your Health and Well Being
- Unsure of what you need to do? Start here with the self-assessment tool from Alberta Health Services.
- Then, continue to check the available reputable resources from the Alberta Government, the Government of Canada, and the World Health Organization, to ensure you are taking the proper precautions to protect yourself and others both at home and occupationally.
- For more information on the occupational aspects as they pertain to the dance sector including performance cancellations, work stoppages, and classes, please review this document from CAPACOA, this page about federal relief funding from Canada Council for the Arts and this page about their ongoing updates, this page from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and visit this alert page from the Canadian Dance Assembly and the Canadian Dance Assembly COVID-19 Resource Page.
- Mental health is also essential, here is a good starting place for resources in Alberta:
To learn more about the mathematics of why social distancing works, in an easy-to-understand, visual way, check out this article and the accompanying simulations:
Financial loss due to Cancellations and Closures
Keep a detailed record of all of your cancellations (performances, events, workshops, classes, etc.) and losses (financial and in any other ways) as a result of measures taken by your organization or as a self-employed individual in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Canada is working to provide a way of disbursing relief through the proper channels and you should keep detailed records including at least dates, times, accounting (attendance and financial), and all other details pertaining to loss of revenue/income and citations of which health advisories they pertained to. We will publish more information about this here in the weeks to follow as more information about eligibility, relief, and application templates become available.
Some information collected at Dance Magazine (USA) on the topic of How Dancers and Dance Organizations Can Prepare for the Financial Fallout of COVID-19. We will be looking at what can be done specifically in Canada. ADA has called upon CDA to help update this page from the Canadian Dance Assembly with equivalent resources specific to Canada.
Thanks to Pam Tzeng for sharing the following resource for tracking losses. English Version / French Version
Alberta Dance Community Impact Survey
On April 30th, ADA completed our first COVID-19 impact survey, which gathered current/estimated impacts and losses from Alberta’s dance community members. There will be a follow-up survey later this summer/fall to track the actuals reported by the community.
Thank you to the 80+ respondents representing their own practice and that of organizations, who gave their time and perspectives on the outlook at this time. These data will support arguments we will make on behalf of our community to Alberta’s Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism, and Status of Women, and other stakeholders who play a part in our move toward recovery.
ADA’s Office and Operations
Until further notice, the office of Alberta Dance Alliance will continue all operations remotely and our physical office will be closed, some programs are also currently on hold until notice is given by Alberta Foundation for the Arts for budget allocations following the acceptance of the Alberta Budget 2020. Staff will be working from home and will be checking email and telephone messages regularly. We ask for your patience if e-mail inquiries and communication take longer than usual.
For those who have had to cancel performances, workshops, and classes, or are otherwise experiencing economic distress due to COVID-19, please contact us so we can gather a log of the impact to the dance arts in Alberta and so we can work to offer whatever support we can in recovering from the fallout. Those who are set to receive Community Workshop Program support from ADA have been contacted to ensure support continues in light of postponements, or cancellations followed by rescheduling or workshop reenvisioning.
Support Network
The ADA is setting up a volunteer support system for those in the dance community who are most vulnerable. If any member is able to help or is need of help, please send us an email – We anticipate this assistance will at least take the form of helping those who require assistance with groceries and errands but there may be other opportunities to help, as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. The Canadian government has released a support package announcement.
Keeping Dance Alive (Online)
During this time of social distancing, there is a movement toward keeping dance alive online for all to enjoy, as evidenced across social media and in amalgamations of content such as that found in this excellent article from Dance Magazine:
If you are sharing your performances or classes online, please let us know so that we can share them widely. If you are curious about platforms for bringing your classes online, consider the following options: Zoom, Acuity Scheduling, Skill Share, Thinkific, Udemy. There are many options out there including Facebook and YouTube, and if your studio has found success with another platform please let us know so we can include it here.