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Event Series Event Series: International Dance Day

International Dance Day

April 29, 2020

UNESCO International Dance Day
April 29
Celebrate another year of dance in Alberta w/ ADA support!

If you have programming set for the April 29 (including the surrounding dates) please email us at info@abdancealliance.ab.ca so we can begin the conversation and start spreading the word! Only performances, workshops, events emailed directly to us can be guaranteed promotion.

Once again, ADA will be supporting your International Dance Day events by boosting them on Facebook and listing them on our website. We have taken out ads in the April edition of Avenue Magazine, in YEG and YYC, directing readers to our site to check out what’s on in their locale! … and that new site should be live very soon now.

So send us your events ASAP and stay tuned for the official International Dance Day messages and a listing of all celebratory activities around the province!


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