The Talking, Thinking, Dancing Body gathering encourages speaking about dance from an awareness of our bodies as well as the world it lives in. There is no practice that is outside of our bodies and its connection to the world around it.
In alignment with TTDB’s mandate and within the immediacy of current social unrest and the push to dismantle certain structures (such as defunding the police), we feel it is of vital importance that we reflect upon together what anti-racism, anti-colonialism, and intersectional feminism feels likes right now, in this moment, in relation to our bodies and practice.
We are meeting via Zoom. Please find the log in details below! See you then!
Topic: TTDB
Time: Jun 25, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 862 9728 8868
Password: 408072
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