The widely acclaimed production of NEW BLOOD blends Blackfoot music and contemporary music by Peter Gabriel to create an amazing piece of theatre celebrating Blackfoot history and traditions.


Featuring poetry, music, contemporary and traditional dance, the show is inspired by the life of Chief Vincent Yellow Old Woman and his experience as a child in residential school, how he reclaimed his way of life and became chief of his people.

Artists include painters George Littlechild and Doug Levitt, drummers Skip WolfLeg and Chris Eagle Rib, vocalist Sho Blunderfield, and numerous actors and dancers including Hayden Cutter playing the role of his grandfather, the Chief.

Deanne Bertsch, the director, says:

“This past March, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission completed their interviews with residential school survivors and Naheed Nenshi, Mayor of Calgary, declared 2014 the year of Reconciliation. He has challenged citizens of Calgary and surrounding areas to learn more, do more and talk more. We are doing this show in response to Mayor Nenshi’s challenge and to share the story of our Blackfoot students’ grandparents.”
