Sep 15 2020
In May 2020, Calgary Arts Development, in partnership with Calgary Economic Development, The City of Calgary, and the Rozsa Foundation, undertook a survey of arts organizations in Calgary to better understand and plan for the COVID-19 disruption to Calgary’s arts, culture, and creative industries communities. A total of 140 organizations responded that the primary mandate of their organization is related to arts and culture.
Check out the full publication to learn more about their key findings.
Words like struggling, worry, fear, and disconcerting characterize the emotions organizations are feeling right now. These feelings are reflected by how organizations are dealing financially, programmatically, and structurally in their response to COVID-19.
This report is designed to help survey partners advocate for support and demonstrate the importance of the arts and culture industry. It is also designed to inform The City of Calgary, Calgary Arts Development, and Calgary Economic Development as they consider which scenarios will best support the sector through these unprecedented times.