YEG Performing Arts Accessibility Ad Hod Group
Online (Via Theatre Alberta)
We are pleased to share the findings of the Edmonton Performing Arts Accessibility Ad Hoc Group.
The Edmonton performing arts community believes that the arts are for everyone. In 2019, a group of performing arts companies came together to tackle the question of how to make their performances accessible to as many people as possible (see below for more information). To do that, we need to find out what kinds of accessibility are the most useful to people in Edmonton.
Performing arts companies engaged two researchers, Brooke Leifso and Kelsie Acton. In Fall 2019, they developed surveys and conducted focus groups to ask about many of the common barriers to engaging with the performing arts. The surveys also asked about common ways to remove some of those barriers. They worked with a committee (Heath Birkholtz, Simone Medina Polo and Connor Yuzwenko-Martin), and hosted a series of focus groups to find more in-depth stories of barriers to performing arts. A final report was created in Spring 2020 and is now available below.