CCVO: FROM EMERGENCY TO OPPORTUNITY Building a Resilient Alberta Nonprofit Sector After COVID-19



It is time for the nonprofit sector to lead a vital conversation. A conversation that considers the resiliency of our sector and the value that we offer as leaders on the front lines of this pandemic and leaders in our collective recovery. This is a conversation that needs to be had within the nonprofit sector and, most critically, with the private and public sectors to co-create a strategy that will ensure the future prosperity of our communities and our province.

CCVO lays the foundation for this conversation for Alberta through an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the nonprofit sector drawn from data collected in our Alberta Nonprofit Survey, data from surveys by the Alberta Nonprofit Network, Imagine Canada, and partner organizations across the country.

The analysis in this report shows that the effects on the nonprofit sector have been magnified through increased service demand, decreased revenue, and diminished organizational capacity coupled by delays in support and inadequate recognition for the leadership role that the sector is being called upon to play.

In order to make this crisis an opportunity, the sector needs to continue to lead by rejecting a return to the status quo to emerge stronger, more robust, and more able to serve our communities into the future. We need a shared strategy for community prosperity that recognizes and supports the role of nonprofits in rebuilding the community and the economy.


Karen Ball
CCVO Interim President & CEO


Read the Report: